Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Saturday morning i took the neah monster out at 7am so she could do her thing. When i came back in i told adam it was cold outside.

**note: we have a thermometer that strips or adds clothes depending on the temperature outside.
i try to avoid this little exhibitionist like the plague.** 

as any good non-clairvoyant can tell you, his question was "how cold?". since we all know i am prone to slight exaggerations and embellishments to make stories more dramatic and, therefore, more interesting. not to disappoint, rather than cite an actual temperature which would have required looking at little mr.-i-take-my-clothes-off,  my response was "cold enough that my nose hairs froze on the second step."

yes dear friends, temperature is now defined by how fast nose hairs freeze. and for those of you who insist on actual degree calculations, minus six F is a two step freezing.
Surely you say to yourself, the little guy wouldn't be streaking around on the thermometer in -6, would he. Alas, it is true, the little temperature guy had his hat, mittens, jacket, boots and scarf on.


  1. ...thank you for allowing me to visit you in oct...

  2. I guess I should stop complaining about the balmy 20F weather...
