Wednesday, February 29, 2012


 Aside from the gift of the mixer, i got a pretty great set of presents this year.....bob and lissa!!! they arrived very late with a gun case and big jackets. we promptly got them snow boots---since we got a few inches yesterday this turned out to be a rather brilliant plan--and they decided that the fact that it was only 60 degrees colder than at their house might be okay. in other words, we've been scurrying to the car and inside places for a few days to aclimitize them.....tomorrow starts outdoor adventure land with FUR RONDY!!

 There was some trepridation before entering the apartment for the first time----after all the watchdog tried to eat lissa last year. We went through the new routine:
  • call her name,
  • be excited,
  • act like seeing her is the best.thing.ever.
  • They held by the door, ready to flee when i let the creature out of her box if she didn't realize they weren't moose. as i rounded the corner, it was obvious her nose had already told her we weren't alone. She was eyeing the hallway intently, looking a little confused.  All the worry proved for nothing though because Neah recognized her maternal grandparents, talked to them excitedly, and promptly placed them in assigned roles....
Lissa was assigned keeper of the bone....see upper right hidden sofa stash. Bob was assigned tug of war partner.
They are staying around the corner at a b&b, which is very convenient. in fact they can see our apartment complex from the back porch of the place....except that there's like 5 feet of snow out there, so venturing into the back yard without snow shoes is a no go. and while there has yet to be a welcome moose there was welcome moose footprints and pee outside the b&b to greet them.

now, off to take pictures of stop signs buried in snow.


  1. hug them for me please!!!!
    love to and for you all!

  2. Your couch looks suspiciously like my couch sister.
