Monday, November 1, 2010

today's chat with my mama

Lissa cracks me up.

Today, she asked whether we had bought a SAD (seasonal affective disorder)  lamp yet. It's a full spectrum lamp meant to help with Vitamin D deficiency, etc. It was one of the conditions upon which they were ok with Adam and I moving to AK. Here's what followed on gchat:

me: he [Adam]'s supposed to be getting that and my parka.

Melissa: and thermal unders
and warm gloves and socks
and scarfs and other stuff to make you look like one of the South Park kids (a nice South Park kid--if there is such a thing)

We miss you Q.


  1. oh em gee.

    i just died.

    g'damn i love your folks.

  2. i love your mom.

    everything about her is wonderful!

    (i love you more though.....)
