Friday, May 4, 2012

just when you think all's clear.

since the blog is now a chronicle of a first time home buyer's nightmares, why stop now. After making about a dozen calls this week to make sure that all repairs would be done by noon today so that we could do final wlk through with our home inspector ahead of tuesday's closing...i should have known we were in for trouble when adam and i drove up and found not one (the home inspector's) but five contractor trucks outside.

Luckily, Kevn (our guy) was already looking around--checking and double checking. There were a number of things that needed fixed.

Here's the comedy of error's list:
  1. The windows all needed to have the glass fixed/replaced. One window was done but there were three more to go. 
  2. The gutter guys had accidentaly put the new gutter on the wrong section of the roof. Kevin caught it and they were fixing it. 
  3. The sliding door opens again...but it is still sticky and i spent a while glaring at it. 
  4. Which leads us to the not so comic error. Kevin goes back into the crawl space to make sure all the stuff we found last time had been fixed only to discover the reason the door is all effed up is because there's a rotting joist under there. Believe me, i was feeling like we were in an episode of Holmes on holmes. UCK.
so, here we are with 4 days till "closing" 'rotting joists and me looking sad.
wishful thinking please.

1 comment:

  1. awww total bummer. hang in there mar. it'll all be over and finished soon!! love you
