Sunday, June 17, 2012

so about Friday's non-post

I had this plan. [insert fiendish laugh here] for friday's post.

i WAS going to take pictures of adam and neah in their cute matching shoes and write about how ridiculous it is that the dog has more expensive shoes than i do. however, as it turns out, i think the shoes are going back. so, instead here's the singular reason why i think we are never going to find decent dog booties:
MY AUSSIE THINKS SHE"S A SLED DOG and pulls like it is no-one's effing business, causing the booties to spin on her feet--even if i put them on tight enough to cut off all circulation to her feet.

Photo: Nectarine upside downcake!
i now renounce all business to do with neah's shoes. i will stick to trying to figure out what to do with a shitload of nectarines all going ripe at once....oh yeah, make a nectarine cream cheese upside-down cake:

Yeah. it was de-licious and i finally got to use the lovely pie thingy that Justin and Brooke gave me us for our wedding.

Today i got to speak with my father who is way farther away than i appreciate. i realize what a blessing the last decade or so has been. he and i had a tumultuous start, too much love, too much passion and too many opinions and stubbornness. my older sister and i were masters of button pushing.

luckily, about a decade ago God provided my with a life experience that i hope i and no woman on this planet ever have to endure again, and an opportunity to clean the slate and start over with my folks. We learned to see each other as adults, grown ups, friends. I have immense respect for the person my father is as a man--protective, caring, strong, patient, funny. My dearest hope is that we still have a long time left to enjoy each other :) LOVE.

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