Thursday, May 20, 2010

a little lost

I have to admit i'm not sure quite how i got here. I've been so independent for so long that it's more than a little confusing to me to suddenly find myself feeling set adrift simply because Adam's gone to Alaska. i spend a lot of time staring at my phone--waiting for it to ring (it won't, he's somewhere in the wilds of British Columbia) or beep (again, text unlikely due to said remote location). it's awkward feeling.

everyone is appropriately sad for me. trying to be helpful and loving and invite me to things. unfortunately, all the love kinda makes me feel more a little lost stray cat or something. the worst part is that i know we made the right choice. there just aren't options here for us in the legal field and the rapid offers in Anchorage confirmed that decision, but i wish it didn't mean seven months apart. kindly reminded me of exactly how much time we were going to have to be apart this morning....thanks, stupid site.

The highlight of my day was a truly unexpected surprise. shortly after arriving at a luncheon for work i noticed my friends Shane and Hannah were there. Come to find out that Hannah was actually being awarded a 2010 Voices for Children Award for the amazing research work she does for early childhood education!! What had been a chore i had to do suddenly morphed into a place i was really grateful to be!

• Hannah Lidman, who serves as senior policy associate at the Economic Opportunity Institute, and is a passionate and effective advocate for early learning. Her leadership on the Early Learning Action Alliance campaign to give more kids access to preschool, and her efforts to protect funding for existing early learning investments have made a real difference for Washington’s youngest learners.

Congrats, Hannah!!


  1. I feel you sister~. Independent to lost, and eight months in (of 10 or so) on sans my other half.

    Though I am fortunate enough that I get to see my man on weekends, and he calls me morning, noon, early-evening and later-evening (before his bed) for few-minute catch-ups...I know, kind of crazy-lots and I never thought I'd be one to want that much...but it turns out I am! With him at least ;)

  2. DUDE i FEEL you martha. Nays and I were apart for 11 months and 3 weeks before our wedding and six months when we WERE married. YOU CAN DO IT!!!!

    I think the worst part is feeling like you are single when you are out w/ a bunch of couples and you are like " no i swear, i have a man!" hahahha - Sautra
