Sunday, April 3, 2011

yellow wildflower season

it is yellow wildflower season in Israel and this is a rare post with a couple of mar pics in it.
we went hiking south of jerusalem-at bet guvrin. about a decade and a bit ago, i went there on a weekend bus tour. the only problem was, being all of my late teens, i was definitely NOT paying attention to where i was. this meant that the last 12 years were spent trying to remember where on earth this one particular park was. bet guvrin has these crazy caves. i had wanted to bring adam here, but in my mind it was farther into the negev desert and i couldn't locate it.

there are a variety of trails and routes. school children ran amok over the site along with busloads of tourists. the parental units opted for the long route. clearly none of us thought this through because we all got various sunburns and levels of crankiness at the end of the 5 mile snackless sojourn. the lone building is a church.

the israel parks authority is denoted by a baby ibex (see left)
and, because we tansiks must always take at least one lizard picture a hiking trip, here's my buddy the chameleon, who clearly knew it was yellow wildflower season.

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