Tuesday, July 5, 2011

parental guilt. aka am i a bad dog owner?

Our little aussie shepherd---who looks much too much like a border collie--always has energy. She talks, jumps, stalks you around the house. Only after 8 miles and 1800 feet does she seem tired enough to lie down.  We've been trying and trying to find a way to wear her out. Running is difficult as she tries to herd you almost instantaneously.

This weekend, while everyone else was bbq-ing, watching baseball, or waiting for fireworks, we went and rented bikes. Secretly, to her at least, we were determined to break her of her bike barking and get her some good exercise. We took to the Coastal Trail out of downtown and peddled along leisurely while Neah pulled Adam's bike for the first ten minutes. She loves running. She was doing good, barely lunging at passers by (bike, person or dog), but as soon as we stopped to give her water she felt the need to assert her dominion over all the trail--barking wildly at everyone who went by. We sighed. This was not how we thought it would go.

Clearly, the only solution was to keep her running, over bridges, past ducks, and around slower dogs. After about 20 minutes and one slightly run over paw, she was limping badly. I began my tirade about how Adam had broken the dog's foot. An attempt to peddle on with her in my bicycle basket (45 lbs of squirming is NOT helpful to one's balance) fell disastrously short when she leapt from the basket in protest.

by the time we got her home, we had figured out that the limping was due to the formation and popping of what seemed to be huge blisters on her right front paw pad and back left paw. Too much running!! We went and bough Bag Balm (usually for udders and other sensitive areas). She bit down on my hand the way a small child would squeeze while it's parent applies medication to a skinned knee or elbow. i almost cried. what kind of horrible pet parents are we?? we took her to do something fun and now she can't walk. she sort of hobbles and then lies down noiselessly.

How do i make it better and WHY on earth did she get blisters??


  1. Was the trail paved? Even if she's used to walking/running for long periods of time on grass/dirt paths & her paws are toughed up to those, concrete is a different story...esp if it's hot. Once her paws heal you can attempt to take her out with the bikes again but ease into it & her paws should eventually toughen up. & if she ever gets injured again (which hopefully won't happen), make sure you muzzle her before you do anything. When dogs are injured they get very defensive & will even bite their owners. & be careful with the Bag Balm...you don't want to make her paws too soft because she'll be prone to more injury & could lose traction.

    For really long treks on pavement or event dirt, I would recommend getting her some snazzy booties:



    These will be great for when you guys go backpacking cause it'll protect Neah's feet from any sharp rocks/thorns she may stumble across.

    Hope this helps!
