Tuesday, March 27, 2012

dear housing gods....

Dear Housing Gods,

Clearly you want me to think back to when i lived with Anoika and Yunyses in Chile, remember their Santeria practices, and slaughter a chicken or leave out coins and rum for you. (Yes, i did actually live with people who practiced voodoo for a while---much more fascinating than i expected). I might consider doing that, but i'm a bit exasperated.

We are in a bit of a fight, you and me, and i am not sure what the lesson is i am meant to learn here. I think i've been demonstrating an incredible amount of patience and perseverance. I mean, i did manage to get our budget raised (thank you mortgage goddess), which opened up a world of things we might actually be able to like rather than just tolerate. The problem is this....every time we find something we really like, you seem to think it is a funny game for there to be another offer and for us to land in a bidding war. For the record, i don't think it is either fun or funny.

In fact, i have come to expect one of two things to happen when we put in an offer:

  1. There will have already been another offer we didn't know about and they are going with that one; or 
  2. Another offer will come in less than 24 hours after ours and a bidding war will ensue
Here's the deal, we terminated on the condo---simply because after seeing other options we couldn't imagine ourselves in that space.  There are several things we like out there...one of which we are going through number 2 above with right now. Typical. Honestly, we weren't even sad or surprised, even though it had been on the market for all of 3 days.

So, here i am pleading with you to consider that we consulted really well about this decision, both feel good about it, and really want to get on with our lives. Please, oh god(dess) of housing, shine favorably upon your suppliants: mar, adam and neah (who just wants somewhere to pee that doesn't involve a leash).

As sincerely as i can get....mar

PS. For all the rest of you: Your prayers would be appreciated....and chicken slaughtering, ave marias, and or whatever.

1 comment:

  1. OHHH good luck! we got into a bidding war for our place, and won! so I will send you all the luck that we got!
