Monday, March 1, 2010

Farewell my lunch...

and more importantly, farewell my caffine IV.

Tomorrow starts the Baha'i Fasting Month. 19 days where i will try to focus on something other than my incessant need for sugar and coffee. 19 days, where i will try to rise above. The rules are simple: focus on something other than physical needs, don't eat or drink anything from sunrise to sunset, try to maintain a prayerful state. I've found most religions have a form of fasting. Ours looks most like Ramadan in its practice. It's a month i love--it always brings clarity, focus, and determination. I get to pour my stubborn will into something worthwhile. I think of it like exercise--feel the burn, know you are doing the work. Refocus, meditate, find time for my soul.

The truth is i've struggled pretty hard with this over the years. I have always wanted to make it through the whole month fasting--i've only managed it twice. There are a list of exceptions to fasting--including doctor's orders--which is where i get in trouble. According to my doctors, i'm banned from fasting. I have a hard time sustaining my body weight (as my eating of immense amounts of junk doesn't actually help me add weight it just holds me steady at a whopping 102). Usually after a week to 10 days i lose those 2 safety pounds, plumt into double digits and have to go back to eating something for lunch so that my pants don't fall off me.

My professors (one of whom will have to deal with my brainless and two of whom will have to deal with me coming in and out of class to pray) have been duly notified--and are sympathetic--one is in Lent right now, one lived in Egypt, and the other is my Law and Religion professor--who seems to be hoping to hold it together for the most part in there, as i am the voice of many things unmainstream :)

And so it begins.

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